Unlike a conventional fossil fuel boiler it is essential that a heat pump is sized accurately to meet the heat demand of the property. The reason for this is because over sizing will significantly increase the capital cost for little operational savings. It will also mean that the heat pump operates at part load for more of the time and frequent cycling will reduce overall efficiency and equipment life.
If the heat pump is under sized it will not be able to meet the heating requirements of the building. To size a heat pump system the design heat load of the building must be known. This must be calculated on a room by room basis in conjunction with the latest standards to give an accurate understanding of individual room heating requirements. It is also crucial to ensure the heat emitter meets the heating requirement of the room in which it’s located.
Heat pumps are designed to operate most efficiently at low flow temperatures between 35˚C – 55˚C. Most conventional heating systems have radiators sized to operate at flow temperatures between 65˚C – 80˚C. To meet these temperatures with a heat pump is possible but will significantly reduce the efficiency. Ideally to maintain high efficiency and reduce the running costs of a heat pump the best heat emitters are either underfloor heating, fan convectors or over sized standard radiators.
Heat pumps are often characterised by their COP (Coefficient Of Performance) which is the amount of heat energy produced from every kW of electrical energy imported. The higher the Coefficient of Performance the more efficient the system. A typical COP for a heat pump is between 3-4 units transferred per unit of electric energy supplied. Electrical heating for example has a Coefficient Of Performance of 1.0.
The COP will commonly decrease when the flow temperatures increases. This is the reason why low flow temperatures are much more efficient. A flow temperature of 60˚C+ can have a COP of 2.1 where as a flow temperature of 35˚C will have a COP of 3.6+, this emphasises the importance of a low temperature heat emitter. A standard fossil fuel boiler has an efficiency of approximately 85-95% in comparison to a heat pumps average 300% efficiency.
Although it is preferable to have a low temperature heating system at times it is not practical.
At SunGift Solar we support the importance that every measure is taken to improve the energy performance and heat loss of the property before considering a renewable heat source. In certain cases only minimal measures can be taken to improve the heat losses i.e. listed buildings with single glazed windows, walls without cavities. In these situations a low flow temperature may not be practical therefore requiring high flow temperatures to ensure the individual room heating requirements can be met and maintained. This is still undoubtedly achievable with a heat pump and worth considering as the efficiency can be double the efficiency of a fossil fuel boiler.
For further information please feel free to visit our website at sungiftsolar.wpstagecoach.com or contact SunGift Solar on 01392 213 912.